water saving toilets – reduce, reuse, retrofit
Toilets use about 30% of the total water used in a household. An old style single flush toilet can use up to 13 liters of water in one flush. New, more water-efficient dual-flush water saving toilets use only 8-9 liters for a full flush and 4-5 liters with a reduced flush. A family of four can save a swimming pool of water a year by using a water saving toilets.
water saving toilets that reduce the amount used per flush (dual flush toilets)
Dual flush toilets have become incredibly popular in areas such as Asia, Europe, Australia, South Africa and are fast catching on in the States. Most toilets sold today include a dual flush option; one for flushing solid waste and one for liquid waste. Flushing liquid waste naturally will use much less water than flushing solid waste.
These toilets work differently from standard toilets. Where a standard toilet will use a siphoning method to get rid of the waste, a dual flush toilet has a larger trap way in the bottom of the bowl and pushes waste out. The latter uses much less water – under 4.5 liters is used for a short flush and about 9 liters for a long flush – and waste goes out more easily.
With this design, you’re not only conserving water, but by doing that you’re also saving money on your water bill. Dual flush toilets save almost 70% of the water that is typically required for a standard toilet, and replacing an older toilet would generate much more savings. With the rising cost of water and increasing concern for preserving our environment, it is easy to see why the dual-flush toilet is becoming so popular in our world today. Although these toilets cost slightly more than standard toilets, the price difference has narrowed significantly, you find that the long-term savings will quickly add up.
It is also possible to retrofit your existing toilets at home or at the office with a dual flush conversion kit and make.
water saving toilets that reuse grey water and or rain water to flush
Even greater savings can be achieved by recycling bath, shower, rain water (this is called grey water) to flush toilets. Soon legislation will force the installation of dual flush toilets in all new buildings in many countries around the world. On property upgrades or ownership changes on existing buildings, owners will be forced to replace old toilets with dual flush or convert the existing toilet to dual flush.
- water saving toilets – reuse
- water saving toilets – efficiency
- water saving toilets – retrofit conversion kit